

St Peter’s has a long history of supporting missionaries and mission organisations through communication, prayer and financial donations.  Our Mission Committee, chaired by Neil Seagrave, has a vision to promote and enable, amongst the congregation of St Peter’s, commitment to Christ’s mission in the UK and overseas.

As a church

we are linked with missionaries working in countries as diverse as Argentina, Bulgaria, Bolivia, the Philippines and South Africa.  We also support several organisations, local and national, both large and small.

St Peter’s Mission Committee is keen to support, encourage and help anyone considering long, medium or short term mission and would love the opportunity to talk to you if you are interested.

St Peter’s Mission Fund is a separate fund to the General Fund. The General Fund resources Mission and Ministry of the Church in our local community. The Mission Fund resources our mission partners we support across the globe.

Ways to give to the mission fund are detailed below.  If giving online, please ensure to select “Mission Fund” from the drop down menu otherwise the donation will go to the General Fund.

Ways We Give

  • This is a simple and easy way to give. You can give a one time gift or set up regular giving!

    Give now


    Sort code: 60-08-13

    Account number: 51591162

    Reference - ‘mission’

  • Boost your donation by 25% through Gift Aid - please complete a this declaration or get in touch with us.

  • Send us a message to: finance@stpetersfarnborough.org.uk

    You can also give by cash or cheque at any of our services. If you want to increase your regular standing order, the best way is to contact your bank directly.

‘You will be my witnesses….to the ends of the earth.’ - Acts 1:8