Explore life, faith & meaning
What is my purpose?
What happens when I die?
Why is there suffering?
What is my purpose? What happens when I die? Why is there suffering?
Alpha is a chance to ask these questions and explore the Christian faith in a fun, no-pressure environment. Each session includes a short film and a discussion where you can chat through your thoughts and questions with a small group of people just like you.
We believe that everyone should have the opportunity to ask life’s big questions.
Join the Alpha Course
Alpha is an 11-week course designed to create a welcoming space where people can bring their friends to have meaningful conversations about faith, life, and God. The course begins on 27th February and runs weekly from 7:30 to 9:30 PM.
Join the Family Alpha Course Waitlist
Please note: Family Alpha is for families with young children, with childcare provided alongside the adult Alpha course. If you don’t need childcare and can attend evening Alpha, you can sign up for that separately
Once you have signed up you will receive a confirmation email. The course runs for 11 weeks, but there is no commitment to keep going for all of it and we promise not to chase you up! Just come along for the first session and, as long as you enjoy it, keep coming back.
If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact us at admin@stpetersfarnborough.org.uk
‘Now this is eternal life: that they know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent.’ - John 17:3