St Peter’s Farnborough is governed by the Parochial Church Council (PCC) who have oversight of all aspects of church life at St Peter’s. The PCC is made up of the Clergy team, two churchwardens, elected members and Deanery Synod representatives.
The PCC consists of:
Vicar – Rev’d Tim Bateman
Associate Minister – Rev’d Ben Perkins
Assistant Minister – Rev’d Richard Cobbold
Assistant Minister – Rev’d Sarah Norbron
Curate – Rev’d Janet Ruthven
Church Wardens – Margaret Taylor and Jonathan Coppock
PCC Secretary (Elected lay member) – Les Bolton
Treasurer (Elected lay member) – Steve Moores
Vice Chair (Elected lay member) – David Shervington
Elected Lay Members – Mandy Burgess, Zillah Chester, Helen Cole, Sue Gaskell, John Kendall, Matthew Riley, Paul Rogers, Elizabeth Rowlandson, Neil Seagrave, Yvonne Seagrave, Ginny Winkworth
Deanery Synod Representatives – Catherine Fewings, Jonathan Kelly, Dave Rowell, one vacancy
Diocesan Synod Representative – Simon Walker
Licensed Lay Minister Representative – Andrew Linn
The PCC also delegates some responsibility to the Standing Committee.
The Standing Committee consists of:
Vicar – Rev’d Tim Bateman
Associate Minister – Rev’d Ben Perkins
Church Wardens – Margaret Taylor and Jonathan Coppock
Treasurer – Steve Moores
Co-opted members – David Shervington and Yvonne Seagrave
PCC Secretary – Les Bolton
The PCC and Standing Committee work to enable and ensure that the St Peter’s staff team and ministries are operating effectively and legally.
These reports can be downloaded and printed, or a hard copy can be requested by emailing You can also request a copy of the electoral roll. If you request a hard copy of any documents, please include your name and mailing address.
If you’re on the Electoral Roll and want to request a summary of a PCC meeting minutes, please email