We are so grateful for the generous financial contributions of our church members. Everything we do is made possible by your serving, praying and giving.

Ways We Give
To give to our General Fund, please see below.
To give to our Mission Fund, which goes towards our mission partners; for more information, click here
This is a simple and easy way to give. You can give a one time gift or set up regular giving!
To make a bank transfer or to set up a Standing Order, you can do this with your bank.
The account details to pay into are:
Account name: PCC of Farnborough Parish
Sort code: 60-08-13
Account number: 58409009
Reference - ‘Giving’
If you have been giving for a while and want to increase the amount you give regularly, please increase the amount of your Standing Order by contacting your bank. See in FAQs below How do I set up a gift by Standing Order for more information about increasing your giving by Standing Order.
If you want to give a one-off donation please use the account details above for the bank account to pay into.
Please also check out the section on Gift Aid to increase the value of your donation at no extra cost to you.
Boost your donation by 25% through Gift Aid - please complete this declaration or get in touch with us.
For more information about how to give a Legacy, please email finance@stpetersfarnborough.org.uk
Send us a message to: finance@stpetersfarnborough.org.uk
You can also give by cash or cheque at any of our services. If you want to increase your regular standing order, the best way is to contact your bank directly.
Giving FAQs
God has been so generous towards us. We owe our all to him because he has saved us and given us everything we have. We give in response to God’s radical generosity towards us. We give because Jesus teaches us that financial giving part of our worship, our discipleship and a means of stepping into the fullness of spiritual freedom that can be found in Him.
We’re grateful for any gift you give to St. Peter’s. You can give in different ways and to different funds. The best way to give is through Regular Giving, as it allows the church to plan ahead so we can reach as many people with the love of Jesus in the most impactful way.
The best way to give is through our main fund:
The Church General Fund - For the Mission and Ministry of the Church in our local community (For more on this fund, see question below ‘How will my gift be used?’)
Other funds to give to are:
The Mission Fund - For mission partners and mission organisations globally beyond St. Peter’s Church.
Acts 435 - For essentials for the poor locally.
You can give regularly or other ways by clicking here, or alternatively by setting up a standing order with your bank (details below) or set up a recurring card gift below.
To set up a Standing Order, you can do this with your bank.
The account details to pay into are:
Account name: PCC of Farnborough Parish
Sort code: 60-08-13
Account number: 58409009
Reference - ‘Giving’
Note: Once you’ve set up a standing order or recurring gift, email the team at finance@stpetersfarnborough.org.uk to let us know. This allows us to identify your gift, create an annual statement for you, and thank you.
For info and to give to our Mission Fund, click here
If you have been giving for a while and want to increase the amount you give regularly, please increase the amount of your Standing Order by contacting your bank.
The account details to pay into are:
Account name: PCC of Farnborough Parish
Sort code: 60-08-13
Account number: 58409009
Reference - ‘Giving’
You can make a one-off gift by selecting the ‘Give Online’ option available on the giving page.
Our account details are as follows:
Account name: PCC of Farnborough Parish
Sort code: 60-08-13
Account number: 58409009
Reference - ‘Giving’
For info and to give to our Mission Fund, click here
Gift Aid allows UK charities to claim back the basic rate tax already paid on donations – by the donor – from HMRC. If you are a UK taxpayer and have paid, or will pay, sufficient income or capital gains tax, Gift Aid increases the value of your donations by 25%, so it means that your gift goes even further – and won’t cost you extra.
Please complete this declaration or get in touch with us.
St. Peter’s will use your gift to pay for the mission and ministry of the church, through our General Fund. This includes obvious mission and ministry activities such as Sunday services, kids and youth provision, ministry to the poor, the great weekly outreach we do and staff salaries. Some of your gift pays for the main and plain that give us the space to facilitate ministry, such as our heating, electricity, insurance and cleaning. Some of your gift supports our contribution to the Diocese of Guilford for essential services such as expert safeguarding oversight and advice to keep our church a safe place. All these necessary elements are essential in our outreach to our community and drawing closer to God.
Click on Mission Fund or Acts 435 to find out more about what these funds go towards.
You can request a giving statement any time by emailing our team at finance@stpetersfarnborough.org.uk
For any other questions, please contact our finance staff.
‘Let each one give as he has made up his own mind and purposed in his heart, not reluctantly or sorrowfully or under compulsion, for God loves a giver whose heart is in his giving.’ - 2 Corinthians 9:7