St Peters has been registered as an Eco Church and making progress towards an Eco Church Award since January 2019.
Join the team and view our church’s survey
find us on Eco Church at:
St Peter's Church, Farnborough, Church Avenue,
Farnborough, UK
Take a personal Lifestyle Audit at:
Worship & Teaching
• 2018 Eco diocese launch: Bishop Jo
• 2019 A Rocha UK Director of Theology
Church’s vision to: Love God, love each other and love the World.
Monitor carbon footprint
Low-energy lighting
Condensing boilers
Renewable electricity
Carbon offset projects

“We can’t love God & His world and not care about the environment”.

Survey slow worms in churchyards
St Peters Toddlers planted 200 bulbs
St Peters Year 4 planted yellow rattle
Future partnering with:
Rushmoor Borough Council Local Plan (click here),
Blackwater Valley Countryside Trust
Former Archbishop of Canterbury Dr Rowan Williams caused a ripple when he told us all to get out into the wet now and again. If Eco Church is to mean anything, it should start with our everyday existence. Here are some practical tips for transforming your personal lifestyle.
Changing our personal lifestyles is essential if we’re to worship God with heart, soul, mind and strength – and love our neighbours as ourselves.
‘We all need to make a complete, radical and honest audit of our lifestyles, their impact on the poor and on the planet,’ said A Rocha UK founder Dave Bookless, ‘and ask God to pinpoint where we do more should start making changes.’
In his book Planetwise (IVP), Dave admitted this has been a slow, ongoing process in his own family. But they’ve simply tried to put their faith into practice, and sought to make changes as they’ve become aware of issues.
‘Because we’re a family,’ he said, ‘it’s been a process of joint discussion and decisions, with our children playing a full part – sometimes challenging us to go faster, and at other times reluctant to give up their favourite luxuries.’
As a result of his journey, Dave set up an initiative called Living Lightly, which continues today on the A Rocha UK website. Planet-saving tips are shared on a range of lifestyle issues – from church to workplace and garden to travel.