Home Groups
Deepen in faith and worship together
As a church part of our vision is to “deepen in faith and worship together”, essentially becoming mature followers of Jesus. We believe that home groups are an important part of that alongside corporate worship and personal discipleship.
Home Groups are a place to grow in our discipleship by:
sharing life together – times of joy, times of sadness and just everyday life.
seeking to apply the Bible to life – by looking at God’s word together and seeing how it can impact our decisions and priorities.
giving and receiving pastoral care – the first port of call for support when facing difficult situations, serious illness or other concerns.
reaching friends with the gospel together – individuals are encouraged to share their faith, and groups together seek to connect with friends and neighbours.
There are twenty-two home groups that meet at various times and places - if you would like to join one then get in touch with Janet Ruthven
‘And He put all things in subjection under His feet, and gave Him as head over all things to the church’ - Ephesians 1:22