APCM 2025

Our Annual Parochial Church Meeting (APCM)

will be held on Wednesday 30th April at 7:45 pm in church. This is a key moment to give thanks for the past year, elect new PCC members (the trustees of St. Peter’s), and conduct essential church business. 

To vote at the APCM, you must be on the Electoral Roll. As 2025 marks a full renewal year, everyone must reapply, regardless of previous registration. If you consider St. Peter’s your church, we encourage you to sign up. 


Further details on the APCM, Electoral Roll, and other key information can be found below. 



  • Joining the Electoral Roll enables you to vote in the APCM, including the election of PCC members and other key decisions. (It also determines the number of Deanery Synod representative seats allocated to St. Peter’s.) 

     We encourage all eligible members to sign up. Printed forms are available in church, or you can download, print, and complete a form, then return it to the church office or a service leader, who will pass it on. 


  • With several members stepping down, we’re looking for new candidates to join the PCC (the church's trustees).  

    For an outline for the requirements, please see CPAS PCC Role Description. 

    To stand for the PCC, you will need a proposer and seconder, and the candidate must be willing to stand. A DBS check and safeguarding training will be required. 

    Please complete NOMINATION FOR ELECTION TOTHE PAROCHIAL CHURCH COUNCIL form. You can do this by: 

    1. Downloading, printing, completing this form and returning it to the church office.  

    2. Collecting a copy from the back of the Church, and returning it to the church office, or via a church service leader.  

    You can stand for election as the APCM, subject to having a proposer and seconder, and the PCC Secretary being informed at the APCM.  

  • To stand as a Church Warden, you will need a proposer and seconder, and the candidate must be willing to stand. A DBS check and safeguarding training will be required. 

    Please complete NOMINATION FOR CHURCH WARDEN form. You can do this by: 

    1. Downloading, printing, completing this form and returning it to the church office.  

    2. Collecting a copy from the back of Church, and returning it to the church office, or via a church service leader.  

    You can stand for election as the APCM, subject to having a proposer and seconder, and the PCC Secretary being informed at the APCM. Please check eligibility for candidacy, proposer and seconder on the form.  

  • This will be published in paper version in the church building between Wednesday 2nd April - Wednesday 16th April 2025.  

  • Please contact admin@stpetersfarnborough.org.uk for any queries.  

St Peter’s Church is part of the Church of England, and sits within the Diocese of Guildford.

Find out more about Church of England governance.